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Site Type Address ULP P95 P98 DSL PDSL LPG AdBlue HFD 24hour Card Ampol Card OPT DCA
Campbell Town Service Station + 24hr Fuel 85 High Street,
Campbell Town TAS 7210
Devonport 24hr Service Station 118 William Street,
Devonport TAS 7310
East Devonport Service Station + 24hr Fuel 136 Tarleton Street,
East Devonport TAS 7310
Epping Forest Roadhouse Service Station + 24hr Fuel 13490 Midland Highway,
Epping Forest TAS 7211
Exeter Service Station + 24hr Fuel 84 Main Road,
Exeter TAS 7275
George Town Service Station + 24hr Fuel 32 Main Road,
George Town TAS 7253
Glen Dhu Service Station + 24hr Fuel 329-333 Wellington Street,
South Launceston TAS 7249
Highclere Service Station + 24hr Fuel 1576 Ridgley Highway
Longford Service Station + 24hr Fuel 27 Marlborough Street
Penguin Service Station + 24hr Fuel 98 Main Street
Sassafras Service Station + 24hr Fuel 8234 Bass Hwy, Sassafras
Sheffield Service Station + 24hr Fuel 54 Main Street
Spreyton Service Station + 24hr Fuel 2 Mersey Main Road
Bell Bay 24 Hour Unmanned Cnr Bell Bay Road & Mobil Road
Campbell Town South 24 Hour Unmanned 184 High Street
Deloraine 24 Hour Unmanned Cnr Highland Lakes Road & East Goderich Street
Devonport 24 Hour Unmanned 161-167 Stony Rise Road
Epping Forest 24 Hour Unmanned 13490 Midland Highway
Fingal 24 Hour Unmanned Log Yard Road
Invermay 24 Hour Unmanned 32 Invermay Road
Launceston 24 Hour Unmanned 3-11 Dry Street
Legerwood 24 Hour Unmanned 10 Main Street
Queenstown 24 Hour Unmanned Cnr Mcnamara St & Little Orr St
Scottsdale 24 Hour Unmanned 20 William Street
Smithton 24 Hour Unmanned 25 Nelson Street
St Mary's 24 Hour Unmanned 41 Main Street
Ulverstone 24 Hour Unmanned 73 Reibey Street
Westbury 24 Hour Unmanned 135 Birralee Road (Opposite Gatenby Drive)
Wivenhoe 24 Hour Unmanned 21 River Road
Wynyard 24 Hour Unmanned 92 Inglis Street
Bagdad Affiliate 41 Quarrytown Road
Bushy Park Affiliate 525 Gordon River Road
Cambridge Affiliate 263 Kennedy Drive
Claremont Affiliate 708 Main Road
Copping Affiliate 2233 Arthur Highway
Geeveston Affiliate 50 Arve Road
Huonville Affiliate 198 Main Street
Huonville Affiliate 5 Main Road
Kempton Affiliate 3001 Midlands Highway
Lenah Valley Affiliate 101 Augusta Road
Moonah Affiliate 200 Main Road
New Norfolk Affiliate Cnr Montagu & Burnett Street
Rokeby Affiliate 42 South Arm Road
Sandy Bay Affiliate 68 Regent Street
Snug Affiliate 2243 Channel Highway
Swansea Affiliate 6 Franklin Street
Triabunna Affiliate Cnr Boyle Street & Freestone Point Road
Triabunna Affiliate Charles Street, Triabunna Wharf
Latrobe Affiliate 8659 Bass Highway
Mood Food Burnie Affiliate 53 Marine Terrace, Burnie
LAUNCESTON MOOD FOOD PLUS GRAND CENTRAL Affiliate 86-96 Wellington St, Launceston
+ See additional Affiliated Sites

Campbell Town

Service Station + 24hr Fuel

85 High Street,
Campbell Town TAS 7210

Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, PDSL

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT, Subway, Grocery Line


24hr Service Station

118 William Street,
Devonport TAS 7310

Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, PDSL

Services: 24hour Card, Grocery Line

East Devonport

Service Station + 24hr Fuel

136 Tarleton Street,
East Devonport TAS 7310

Fuels: ULP, P98, PDSL

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, Grocery Line

Epping Forest Roadhouse

Service Station + 24hr Fuel

13490 Midland Highway,
Epping Forest TAS 7211

Fuels: ULP, P98, PDSL

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, DCA


Service Station + 24hr Fuel

84 Main Road,
Exeter TAS 7275

Fuels: ULP, P98, DSL, PDSL, AdBlue, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT, Grocery Line

George Town

Service Station + 24hr Fuel

32 Main Road,
George Town TAS 7253

Fuels: ULP, P95, DSL, LPG

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card

Glen Dhu

Service Station + 24hr Fuel

329-333 Wellington Street,
South Launceston TAS 7249

Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, PDSL

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, Grocery Line


Service Station + 24hr Fuel

1576 Ridgley Highway

Fuels: ULP, P98, PDSL

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT


Service Station + 24hr Fuel

27 Marlborough Street

Fuels: ULP, P98, DSL, AdBlue, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT


Service Station + 24hr Fuel

98 Main Street

Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, PDSL

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT


Service Station + 24hr Fuel

8234 Bass Hwy, Sassafras

Fuels: ULP, P95, DSL, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT


Service Station + 24hr Fuel

54 Main Street

Fuels: ULP, P98, PDSL, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT


Service Station + 24hr Fuel

2 Mersey Main Road

Fuels: ULP, P95, DSL, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, DCA

Bell Bay

24 Hour Unmanned

Cnr Bell Bay Road & Mobil Road

Fuels: ULP, DSL, AdBlue, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, DCA

Campbell Town South

24 Hour Unmanned

184 High Street

Fuels: DSL, PDSL, AdBlue, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT, DCA


24 Hour Unmanned

Cnr Highland Lakes Road & East Goderich Street

Fuels: DSL, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, DCA


24 Hour Unmanned

161-167 Stony Rise Road

Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, DSL, AdBlue, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT

Epping Forest

24 Hour Unmanned

13490 Midland Highway

Fuels: DSL, AdBlue, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, DCA


24 Hour Unmanned

Log Yard Road

Fuels: DSL, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, DCA


24 Hour Unmanned

32 Invermay Road

Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, DSL, PDSL, AdBlue

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT


24 Hour Unmanned

3-11 Dry Street

Fuels: ULP, DSL, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, DCA


24 Hour Unmanned

10 Main Street

Fuels: ULP, DSL, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, DCA


24 Hour Unmanned

Cnr Mcnamara St & Little Orr St

Fuels: ULP, DSL

Services: OPT, DCA


24 Hour Unmanned

20 William Street

Fuels: ULP, DSL, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT, DCA


24 Hour Unmanned

25 Nelson Street

Fuels: ULP, P95, DSL, PDSL, AdBlue, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT, DCA

St Mary's

24 Hour Unmanned

41 Main Street

Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, DSL

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT


24 Hour Unmanned

73 Reibey Street

Fuels: ULP, P95, DSL, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT, DCA


24 Hour Unmanned

135 Birralee Road (Opposite Gatenby Drive)

Fuels: ULP, P95, DSL, AdBlue, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT, DCA


24 Hour Unmanned

21 River Road

Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, DSL, PDSL, AdBlue, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT, DCA


24 Hour Unmanned

92 Inglis Street

Fuels: ULP, P95, DSL, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT, DCA



41 Quarrytown Road

Fuels: ULP, P95, DSL, AdBlue, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card

Bushy Park


525 Gordon River Road

Fuels: ULP, P95, DSL, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card



263 Kennedy Drive

Fuels: ULP, DSL, AdBlue, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card



708 Main Road

Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, DSL, PDSL, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card



2233 Arthur Highway

Fuels: ULP, P98, DSL, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card



50 Arve Road

Fuels: ULP, P95, DSL, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card



198 Main Street

Fuels: ULP, P95, DSL, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card



5 Main Road

Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, DSL, PDSL, LPG, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card



3001 Midlands Highway

Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, DSL, PDSL, AdBlue, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card

Lenah Valley


101 Augusta Road

Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, DSL, PDSL, AdBlue, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card



200 Main Road

Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, DSL, PDSL, AdBlue, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card

New Norfolk


Cnr Montagu & Burnett Street

Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, DSL, PDSL, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card



42 South Arm Road

Fuels: ULP, P98, PDSL, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card

Sandy Bay


68 Regent Street

Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, PDSL, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card



2243 Channel Highway

Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, DSL, PDSL, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card



6 Franklin Street

Fuels: ULP, P98, DSL

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card



Cnr Boyle Street & Freestone Point Road

Fuels: ULP, DSL, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card



Charles Street, Triabunna Wharf

Fuels: DSL, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card



8659 Bass Highway

Fuels: ULP, P98, DSL, PDSL, HFD

Services: 24hour Card, DCA

Mood Food Burnie


53 Marine Terrace, Burnie

Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, DSL, PDSL

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card



86-96 Wellington St, Launceston

Fuels: ULP

Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card


ULP Unleaded

P95 Premium 95 A

P98 Premium 98 A

DSL Diesel

PDSL Premium Diesel A

LPG Liquified Petroleum Gas

HFD High Flow Diesel

OPT Accepts Bonney Energy Tasmania 24hour Zoom Card, Ampol Card and major Credit/Debit Cards

DCA Accepts Bonney Energy Tasmania 24hour Zoom Card and Ampol Card