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Bonney Sites
Affiliated Sites
Site | Type | Address | ULP | P95 | P98 | DSL | PDSL | LPG | AdBlue | HFD | 24hour Card | Ampol Card | OPT | DCA |
Campbell Town | Service Station + 24hr Fuel | 85 High Street, Campbell Town TAS 7210 |
Devonport | 24hr Service Station | 118 William Street, Devonport TAS 7310 |
East Devonport | Service Station + 24hr Fuel | 136 Tarleton Street, East Devonport TAS 7310 |
Epping Forest Roadhouse | Service Station + 24hr Fuel | 13490 Midland Highway, Epping Forest TAS 7211 |
Exeter | Service Station + 24hr Fuel | 84 Main Road, Exeter TAS 7275 |
George Town | Service Station + 24hr Fuel | 32 Main Road, George Town TAS 7253 |
Glen Dhu | Service Station + 24hr Fuel | 329-333 Wellington Street, South Launceston TAS 7249 |
Highclere | Service Station + 24hr Fuel | 1576 Ridgley Highway |
Longford | Service Station + 24hr Fuel | 27 Marlborough Street |
Penguin | Service Station + 24hr Fuel | 98 Main Street |
Sassafras | Service Station + 24hr Fuel | 8234 Bass Hwy, Sassafras |
Sheffield | Service Station + 24hr Fuel | 54 Main Street |
Spreyton | Service Station + 24hr Fuel | 2 Mersey Main Road |
Bell Bay | 24 Hour Unmanned | Cnr Bell Bay Road & Mobil Road |
Campbell Town South | 24 Hour Unmanned | 184 High Street |
Deloraine | 24 Hour Unmanned | Cnr Highland Lakes Road & East Goderich Street |
Devonport | 24 Hour Unmanned | 161-167 Stony Rise Road |
Epping Forest | 24 Hour Unmanned | 13490 Midland Highway |
Fingal | 24 Hour Unmanned | Log Yard Road |
Invermay | 24 Hour Unmanned | 32 Invermay Road |
Launceston | 24 Hour Unmanned | 3-11 Dry Street |
Legerwood | 24 Hour Unmanned | 10 Main Street |
Queenstown | 24 Hour Unmanned | Cnr Mcnamara St & Little Orr St |
Scottsdale | 24 Hour Unmanned | 20 William Street |
Smithton | 24 Hour Unmanned | 25 Nelson Street |
St Mary's | 24 Hour Unmanned | 41 Main Street |
Ulverstone | 24 Hour Unmanned | 73 Reibey Street |
Westbury | 24 Hour Unmanned | 135 Birralee Road (Opposite Gatenby Drive) |
Wivenhoe | 24 Hour Unmanned | 21 River Road |
Wynyard | 24 Hour Unmanned | 92 Inglis Street |
Bagdad | Affiliate | 41 Quarrytown Road |
Bushy Park | Affiliate | 525 Gordon River Road |
Cambridge | Affiliate | 263 Kennedy Drive |
Claremont | Affiliate | 708 Main Road |
Copping | Affiliate | 2233 Arthur Highway |
Geeveston | Affiliate | 50 Arve Road |
Huonville | Affiliate | 198 Main Street |
Huonville | Affiliate | 5 Main Road |
Kempton | Affiliate | 3001 Midlands Highway |
Lenah Valley | Affiliate | 101 Augusta Road |
Moonah | Affiliate | 200 Main Road |
New Norfolk | Affiliate | Cnr Montagu & Burnett Street |
Rokeby | Affiliate | 42 South Arm Road |
Sandy Bay | Affiliate | 68 Regent Street |
Snug | Affiliate | 2243 Channel Highway |
Swansea | Affiliate | 6 Franklin Street |
Triabunna | Affiliate | Cnr Boyle Street & Freestone Point Road |
Triabunna | Affiliate | Charles Street, Triabunna Wharf |
Latrobe | Affiliate | 8659 Bass Highway |
Mood Food Burnie | Affiliate | 53 Marine Terrace, Burnie |
LAUNCESTON MOOD FOOD PLUS GRAND CENTRAL | Affiliate | 86-96 Wellington St, Launceston |
Campbell Town
Service Station + 24hr Fuel
85 High Street,
Campbell Town TAS 7210
Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, PDSL
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT, Subway, Grocery Line
24hr Service Station
118 William Street,
Devonport TAS 7310
Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, PDSL
Services: 24hour Card, Grocery Line
East Devonport
Service Station + 24hr Fuel
136 Tarleton Street,
East Devonport TAS 7310
Fuels: ULP, P98, PDSL
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, Grocery Line
Epping Forest Roadhouse
Service Station + 24hr Fuel
13490 Midland Highway,
Epping Forest TAS 7211
Fuels: ULP, P98, PDSL
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, DCA
Service Station + 24hr Fuel
84 Main Road,
Exeter TAS 7275
Fuels: ULP, P98, DSL, PDSL, AdBlue, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT, Grocery Line
George Town
Service Station + 24hr Fuel
32 Main Road,
George Town TAS 7253
Fuels: ULP, P95, DSL, LPG
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card
Glen Dhu
Service Station + 24hr Fuel
329-333 Wellington Street,
South Launceston TAS 7249
Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, PDSL
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, Grocery Line
Service Station + 24hr Fuel
1576 Ridgley Highway
Fuels: ULP, P98, PDSL
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT
Service Station + 24hr Fuel
27 Marlborough Street
Fuels: ULP, P98, DSL, AdBlue, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT
Service Station + 24hr Fuel
98 Main Street
Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, PDSL
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT
Service Station + 24hr Fuel
8234 Bass Hwy, Sassafras
Fuels: ULP, P95, DSL, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT
Service Station + 24hr Fuel
54 Main Street
Fuels: ULP, P98, PDSL, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT
Service Station + 24hr Fuel
2 Mersey Main Road
Fuels: ULP, P95, DSL, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, DCA
Bell Bay
24 Hour Unmanned
Cnr Bell Bay Road & Mobil Road
Fuels: ULP, DSL, AdBlue, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, DCA
Campbell Town South
24 Hour Unmanned
184 High Street
Fuels: DSL, PDSL, AdBlue, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT, DCA
24 Hour Unmanned
Cnr Highland Lakes Road & East Goderich Street
Fuels: DSL, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, DCA
24 Hour Unmanned
161-167 Stony Rise Road
Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, DSL, AdBlue, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT
Epping Forest
24 Hour Unmanned
13490 Midland Highway
Fuels: DSL, AdBlue, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, DCA
24 Hour Unmanned
Log Yard Road
Fuels: DSL, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, DCA
24 Hour Unmanned
32 Invermay Road
Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, DSL, PDSL, AdBlue
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT
24 Hour Unmanned
3-11 Dry Street
Fuels: ULP, DSL, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, DCA
24 Hour Unmanned
10 Main Street
Fuels: ULP, DSL, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, DCA
24 Hour Unmanned
Cnr Mcnamara St & Little Orr St
Fuels: ULP, DSL
Services: OPT, DCA
24 Hour Unmanned
20 William Street
Fuels: ULP, DSL, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT, DCA
24 Hour Unmanned
25 Nelson Street
Fuels: ULP, P95, DSL, PDSL, AdBlue, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT, DCA
St Mary's
24 Hour Unmanned
41 Main Street
Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, DSL
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT
24 Hour Unmanned
73 Reibey Street
Fuels: ULP, P95, DSL, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT, DCA
24 Hour Unmanned
135 Birralee Road (Opposite Gatenby Drive)
Fuels: ULP, P95, DSL, AdBlue, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT, DCA
24 Hour Unmanned
21 River Road
Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, DSL, PDSL, AdBlue, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT, DCA
24 Hour Unmanned
92 Inglis Street
Fuels: ULP, P95, DSL, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card, OPT, DCA
41 Quarrytown Road
Fuels: ULP, P95, DSL, AdBlue, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card
Bushy Park
525 Gordon River Road
Fuels: ULP, P95, DSL, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card
263 Kennedy Drive
Fuels: ULP, DSL, AdBlue, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card
708 Main Road
Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, DSL, PDSL, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card
2233 Arthur Highway
Fuels: ULP, P98, DSL, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card
50 Arve Road
Fuels: ULP, P95, DSL, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card
198 Main Street
Fuels: ULP, P95, DSL, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card
5 Main Road
Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, DSL, PDSL, LPG, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card
3001 Midlands Highway
Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, DSL, PDSL, AdBlue, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card
Lenah Valley
101 Augusta Road
Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, DSL, PDSL, AdBlue, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card
200 Main Road
Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, DSL, PDSL, AdBlue, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card
New Norfolk
Cnr Montagu & Burnett Street
Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, DSL, PDSL, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card
42 South Arm Road
Fuels: ULP, P98, PDSL, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card
Sandy Bay
68 Regent Street
Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, PDSL, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card
2243 Channel Highway
Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, DSL, PDSL, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card
6 Franklin Street
Fuels: ULP, P98, DSL
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card
Cnr Boyle Street & Freestone Point Road
Fuels: ULP, DSL, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card
Charles Street, Triabunna Wharf
Fuels: DSL, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card
8659 Bass Highway
Fuels: ULP, P98, DSL, PDSL, HFD
Services: 24hour Card, DCA
Mood Food Burnie
53 Marine Terrace, Burnie
Fuels: ULP, P95, P98, DSL, PDSL
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card
86-96 Wellington St, Launceston
Fuels: ULP
Services: 24hour Card, Ampol Card
ULP Unleaded
P95 Premium 95 A
P98 Premium 98 A
DSL Diesel
PDSL Premium Diesel A
LPG Liquified Petroleum Gas
HFD High Flow Diesel
OPT Accepts Bonney Energy Tasmania 24hour Zoom Card, Ampol Card and major Credit/Debit Cards
DCA Accepts Bonney Energy Tasmania 24hour Zoom Card and Ampol Card